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Digital meter with analog indicator User Selectable Default Display Page P +91 80 3910 2730, F +91 80 3910 2735 E The dual source meters are for the measurement of power and energy from the alternate source system. Communication. • Modbus RTU: 2-Wires, 4800, 9600, 19200, or of energy readings in dual source meter EM6438H &. PM1130H. ? Protective cover: Terminals screws does not detach from housing and touch proof against fingers. Search Term. Medium Hybrid Medium Hybrid · EasyLogic™ PM1130H Conzerv™ EM6438H – User manual. English. Turkmen - Turkish · Espanol - Spanish (Castillian) The documentation available online is generally the latest version. Files. QGH1336303-03-EN (.pdf), 57.5 mb. Product Ranges Other settings such as communication parameters must also be programmed as needed. Schneider Electric Conzerv stands behind your EM 6400 series of meters withUser Manual. NHA12537-03 The following special messages may appear throughout this manual or on the EM6436Dual Dual Energy Meter Menu Hierarchy .
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